Family Name: Balistidae
Scientific Name: Rhinecanthus Rectangulus
Habitat: Found at the reefs of Indo-Pacific
regions, Hawaii, endemic in saltwatercoasts of
various central and pacific islands
Diet: Worms and crabs
Description: Oval shaped and compressed
structure.Grows upto inches long.It has tough
body structure and rough scales which enable
to wiggle into small,rocky crevasses to hide
from predators.They have vivid hues of blues,
yyellow, white, black and gray and sometimes
with varied marking on them in the shape of
lines and dots.Their coloring is used as a
camouflage, considering their
surroundings.Teeth of triggerfish and top lip
are blue.

                                                                                 Interesting Facts

  • It is the state fish of Hawaii
  • Hawaiian people call them as
  •  It is called “humuhumu” for short
  •  It’s pronouncation is “who-moo-who-moo-
  •  The meaning is ‘ a fish with a snout like a
  •  “Trigger” which is the second spine of the
    humuhumu allows it to lock onto the
    jagged edges of the reef while it rests
  •  They are very aggressive type of fish
  • There are 40 species in this fish
1) Crosshatch Triggerfish
2) Clown triggerfish
3) Grey Triggerfish
4) Halfmoon triggerfish
5) Picasso triggerfish
6) Pink-tailed triggerfish
7) Sargassum triggerfish
8) Queen triggerfish
9) Red-Toothed triggerfish
10) Balistes
  • They have tiny teeth
  •  They tend to bite any being that they
    conceive as threat which is everything and
  • Their bite is not life-threatening or
  •  They are bottom dwellers, fingling crabs,
    worms, other crustaceans,shrimp and
    other invertebrates
  • They also pick at clams and other animals
    attached to corals, which makes it to look
    like they are eating coral.
     Triggerfish also eat other fish
Marine worms
Sea clam
  • They tend to vary in size
  • The longest triggerfish is the stone is 3meters long and found in
    Eastern Pacific from Mexico to Chile
  • They are found in shallow waters around
    the coral reefs and are easily spotted by
    snorkelers and scuba divers
  •  Their eating habits are also weird
  •  They dig out the sand by flapping away
    debris with their fins and squirting out
    water from their mouth at the same time
  •  They use their sharp teeth and tough jaws
    to make a meal of sea urchins, flipping
    them over to gnaw at their bellies which is
  •  Sea Urchins
  • They cause a lot of mayhem while eating
  • They are known to be solitary animals and do seek a mate at a certain time
  • Some species can even keep a harem of
    potential mates

  • Males tend to establish sea floor nests for
    the females to lay tens of thousands of
    eggs to be fertilized
  •  Females share responsibility of caring for
    the eggs until they hatch
  •  The mortality rate among the young is
    pretty high as they are the source for
    bigger fish
  • As they get larger, their chances of survival
    will increase steadily as well
  •  It’s easy enough to be fooled by the
    trigger’s good looks as they are known to
    have nasty deposition
  •  They are dominant and extremely territorial
  • Aquarium trade
  • Humans
  •  Sometimes triggerfish are eaten by
    humans, but they have been found to
    cause Ciguatera Fish Poisoning which
    causes diarrhea, vomiting, numbness,
    dizziness, sensitivity of hot and cold,
    itchiness and weakness
  •  Ciguatera Fish Poisoning (CFP): is a
    foodborne illness caused by eating reef fish whose flesh is contaminated with certain toxins Surgeon fish
    • Risk Factors: Barracuda, Moray Eel, Amberjack, Sea Bass, Sturgeon, Grouper


a. Moray Eel
b. Barracuda
c. Grouper
d. Surgeon fish
e. Amberjack fish
f. Sturgeon fish
  • Corals get ripped out
  •  Predators: Moray Eel, Sharks, Monk Seal,
    Sting Ray and Jellyfish
  •  Researcher are taking efforts to breed
    more triggerfish in captivity, so that the
    ones in the wild will get better chance to

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